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Rooftop Sniper
Keltois Warrior
Halforc Archer Conv.
Fire Familiar
"Littlest bird" gnome
Klocke Goblin
Mira the Reckless
Demonworld knight 2
Inge Sorceress
Amazon, Qanghee
Squire w Bow
Alahel the Messenger
Spasm warrior
Demonworld Empire Hero
B.A. Felton
2004 Darksword Amazon



Keltois Warrior

 by Rackham for Confrontation

28mm scale



If you've spent anytime at my site wandering, you've probably noticed this guy hanging around for years in my current projects section.  And he remained just as he was pictured there...for years.

I started by painting this guys sword and some of his clothes almost four years ago. Then I lost interest and abandoned this fellow until just this week. In a frenzy of "I must clean off my desk!" I managed to complete him and am somewhat happy with the result. If one considers the time it took me to go from starting him to finish, the rest of the models in his package should be along in about eight years or so...

Done to a high gaming standard strictly for my own collection.

Painted 2006


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