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Rooftop Crossbow Sniper
by Crunch-Waffle Enterprises
28mm scale ?
A quickie for the games table. I'm fairly certain I
picked this fellow up waaay back at Gencon in 2005. It was nearly forgotten,
so much, I had to ask around to find out who even made the fellow.
Like many of my other models this year he was a longtime desktop lurker.
I'm guessing at the scale here at 28mm. He's one of those delicate
Gael Goumon sculpts, ripe with personality. The pose and uncommon
setting for the model makes him a great unique character for the RPG games
table. The Sniper is painted in a near monochromatic clothing to give him
that shadowy feel.
Painted to high table top quality.
Painted late 2007 |