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Mushroom Man
Adara Succubus
Arianna fairy princess
Eredain, Wizard
Water Nymph
Alaine, Female Paladin
Marda, Barbarian
Fog Wraith
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Halfling Ranger
Jahenna, Vampire
Laurana the sorceress
Smilodon Cat
Tara & Friend
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Alaine Paladin Ranger
Josephine Lucera Sorceress
Bar Girl
Nagel the Hammer
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Greater Elementals
Jade dancing girl
Jade (older version)
Clay the Monk
Fairies & Nymphs
Fenris the Pale
Cloaker Monster



Bar Girl or Scarlet Courtesan

25mm scale

by Reaper Miniatures #2583

My second NMM miniature.  This was an experiment in freehand detail as well.

Courtesan from the Townsfolk pack, manufactured by Reaper Miniatures for the Dark Heaven Line.  The base is a Warhammer 25mm square base.  She is painted to a high standard with Citadel Paints and Matte varnished for protection with clear acrylic Citadel spray.  She appears to be standing on the ill-kept hardwood floor of her working establishment.  The floor is made from bits of real wood and modeled with epoxy putty. The edges of the base have been painted to appear as hardwood as well.  The design on her dress is freehand NMM gold.

This miniature placed third in the Golden Toadstool for December.

Painted December 2002


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